Physical and digital research infrastructure

As a powerhouse of social reconstruction, the ANU has a history of shaping institution-building, enhancing governance, championing social cohesion and democratic renewal in Australia and the region. As we navigate an era of declining trust and increasing concern about our democratic future, ANU is working in partnership with governments, public services, civil society organisations, and the private sector to build institutions that centre on integrity, value inclusion, and which are trust-enhancing.

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Should we tax the rich? Research says yes

Imagine a world where billionaires pay their fair share of taxes.

While this utopian vision may seem far-fetched, new research from The Australian National University (ANU) suggests governments have a legitimate reason to ramp up taxes on the super-rich.

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Aussies want more forward-thinking politics

A new report shows 81 per cent of Australians agree our politicians generally think too short-term when making decisions.

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Power to the people: Aussies expect more from their local leaders

About two-thirds of Australians believe local governments should have more power than they currently do, according to a new study from The Australian National University (ANU).

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‘Health for all’: recognising breastfeeding as a carbon offset

Country investments in breastfeeding should be considered a carbon offset in global plans for sustainable food, health and economic systems, according to a new report led by experts from The Australian National University (ANU).

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Research shows people’s perceptions can fuel political unrest

People’s feelings about how morally divided a society is in the lead-up to an election can cause them to have extreme reactions if the result doesn’t go their way, like the 6 January 2021 attacks on the US Capitol, new research from The Australian National University (ANU) has shown.

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